Nga tono o te hose harore i roto i te waka hydrogen wai

Ngākau mōhioHangarau

, he maha nga wa e kiia ana ko te

Tuhinga o muaI roto i nga tono hauwai wai

Kei te kaha haere te whakamahinga o te hauwai wai hei wahie ma i roto i nga momo ahumahi, tae atu ki te aerospace, automotive, me te kaha. The effective transportation of LH2 requires specialized equipment that can maintain extremely low temperatures.

Ma te hose ngawari 拷贝

Tuhinga o muaHe hose ngawari

Tuhinga o mua

Nga tono puta noa i nga momo ahumahi

Tuhinga o mua

Ko te Hose Whakakahorehia Aunoa 拷贝


He hoha ka taea e te waatea

Wāhanga whakamutunga

() plays a vital role in the safe and efficient transportation of liquid hydrogen across various industries. Its advanced insulation technology and flexible design ensure optimal performance, making it essential for applications ranging from aerospace to clean energy. I te mea kei te haere tonu te hangarau, te hiranga o te

Te wa tuku: Nov-01-2024

Waiho to korero